Peregrine O’Gormley grew up on 40 acres of
woods and grazing land in the mountains of central New Mexico where his father
taught him to carefully observe his natural surroundings. His stomping grounds included the hills and
valleys in the several square mile watershed surrounding their home, barbed
wire fences, rattle snakes, gopher snakes, rabbits, coyotes and fox, myriad
raptors and small birds, and the odd black bear (who’d get after their bee
hives) plus miles of free wandering pinyon juniper woodland.
In remembering his father, O’Gormley
states, “My father, taught me to see. We’d
peer carefully at a pinhead-sized flying insect, and he’d say, ‘A flying
Miracle! This minuscule thing, eats, breaths, sees, hears, has legs …6, did you
count them? Did you catch the iridescence
in its wings? Does it have two pairs or one? ... AND this tiny
thing, CAN FLY! Unbelievable!’”

Sculpting from his early days through to
the present, he first exhibited in a Santa Fe, New Mexico gallery in his
teens. In the fall of 2017 Fine Art
Connoisseur included O’Gormley in its, “Three to Watch”. He has won multiple National Sculpture
Society awards including the Pat Munson Prize for Avian Sculpture 2017 and
2015, and in 2016 the Green-Wood Cemetery Award, Brookgreen Gardens, Pawleys
Island, SC.
O’Gormley exhibits work broadly, including:
Leigh Yawki Woodson Art Museum -Wausau, WI
Museum of National Wildlife Art -Jackson, WY
National Sculpture Society -Brookgreen
Gardens -Murrells Inlet, SC
Museum of Northwest Art -La Conner, WA
Bainbridge Island Museum of Art -Winslow, WA
Smith and Vallee Gallery -Edison, WA
Gerald Peters Gallery -Santa Fe, NM.
He earned his degree in biology at Colorado
College in Colorado Springs, CO.
O’Gormley now lives and works on seven
acres with his wife Laurel and their three children overlooking the Puget Sound
in northwestern, WA Unites States
is part of O’Gormley’s Perception Series inspired by positive responses to
adverse conditions. Nature’s instincts kick in, to consolidate, conserve, pull
in, hold out and endure. The beauty and simplicity of the form and function are
often exquisite. In this case two pigeons join together in response to the
Sarà presente a Emozioni in Mostra “L’Armenia incontra il Mondo” con
Peregrine O' Gormley, USA, “Cold”, bronze 30x20x9
Esposizione Internazionale:
Pittura, Scultura, Proiezioni Multimediali,
Percorsi Fotografici e Installazioni Sensoriali.
Progetto a cura dell’Ing. Giacomo C Tropeano
c/Fondazione “The Armenian Fine Arts Foundation”
e di Alba Lidia Tropeano realizzato in collaborazione con
Assessorato alla Cultura e al Turismo del Comune di Napoli,
con il patrocinio del Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali,
dell’Ambasciata della Repubblica d’Armenia in Italia,
della Regione Campania.
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